Burial Society Cup

Johann Conrad Weiss


Silver cup with Hebrew inscription.
This silver beaker is one of two commissioned by the Burial Society of Worms in the eighteenth century. Beakers were used at the ceremony inducting members into the society at its annual banquet, which was customarily held on the seventh of Adar, traditionally designated the day of the biblical Moses’ death. Most of the space on this beaker is filled with engravings of the names of the society’s members, including honorary and former members, among them the court Jew Samson Wertheimer (1658–1724) and scholar and rabbi David Oppenheim (1664–1736).


Johann Conrad Weiss (silversmith). Beaker of the Burial Society of Worms. Gift of Michael Oppenheim, Mainz / The Jewish Museum, New York.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 5.

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