“O my soul’s beloved” (Yedid nefesh)

Eleazar Azikri


Another song regarding [God’s] unity and passionate love [for him], structured on [an acrostic of] the Tetragrammaton.

O my soul’s beloved, merciful father, drag your servant to do your will!
Your servant runs like a deer, and performs prostration in the presence of your beauty!
For your friendship is sweeter to him than honeycomb and all tastes.
O beautiful one, glowing light of the universe, my soul is lovesick for you!
Please, God, please, heal her, please, by showing her your pleasant light!
Then she will be strengthened and healed, and she will be an eternal maidservant to you.
O righteous one, may your mercy be stirred, so that you have compassion for the child that loves you!
For he has now yearned so, so much to see your mighty splendor.
Please, my God, hasten my heart’s desire, and do not ignore it!
Reveal yourself, O friend, and spread over me your canopy of peace.
Let the land be lit up by your glory, may we be glad and rejoice in you!
Hurry, O beloved, for the time has come! Show me kindness, as in days of yore!

Translated by


Eleazar Azikri, Sefer ḥaredim (Book of the Pious) (Venice: D. Zaneti, 1601), 43a.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 5.

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