For One Who Becomes Possessed



One who becomes possessed by a demon should recite this adjuration three times, and it [the demon] will leave him, God willing.

In the explicit name [Shem ha-meforash] of the God of Israel may His Name be blessed forever, I adjure you, all spirits, demons, harmful beings, and all manner of calamities that assemble to come to the world, (male and female) night spirits that float in the air [ . . . ] and the harmful beings that harm, humiliate, thwart, and frighten people with visions of themselves: I adjure you, in the honorable, terrible, and explicit name Eheye, seated upon the high and exalted Throne, residing in Aravot, with Yah his name, and in the name of the servants of the Most High, and in the name of all the heavenly hosts and in the name of Adrion, and in the name of Metatron, and Sandalphon, and in the name ‘Ana, ‘Aniniel, Ra’ashiel, Ḥatriel, Mikhael, Gabriel, Raphael, Azriel, Badkiel, Ra’amiel, Raḥmiel, and demon—I adjure you a third time to be gone and distance yourselves from So-and-so, not to come and enter neither his domain nor his four cubits and not to scare him. Depart, depart, depart, from So-and-so!

For a lady So-and-So, be careful not to use a [grammatically] masculine word in place of a [grammatically] feminine word or feminine in place of a masculine.

Translated by


Unknown, For One Who Becomes Possessed, Ms. Jewish Theological Seminary (New York), 1959, 62v, 1614, Ashkenazic script, Italy.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 5.

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