Portrait of a Man, Thought to Be Dr. Ephraim Bueno

Rembrandt van Rijn


Portrait painting depicting bearded man in hat and collar facing viewer.
Rembrandt lived in the part of Amsterdam where the artist’s guild (St. Luke’s Guild) was located; by coincidence, it was home also to a number of Jews. His artworks attest to an interest in the biblical past. This portrait is thought to be of Ephraim Bueno (1599–1665), a prominent member of the Portuguese Jewish congregation, but we do not know what, if any, relationship there might have been between Bueno and Rembrandt. Bueno belonged to a Sephardic family that had settled in the Netherlands. This portrait is one of two extant ones of him, by Rembrandt.


Rembrandt van Rijn, 1645–1647, Portret van Ephraim Bueno. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 5.

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