Dream Question



A dream question: clean yourself from all impurity and abstain from eating meat, drinking wine, and lying with a woman. And lie in a clean bed after ritually immersing—a stringent immersion, because of the possibility of an intervening object [ḥatsitsa]. And when you go to lie down, recite these names three times and do not speak at all afterwards until you are asleep, and then, God willing you will receive your answer. Do this on a Thursday. And say the following:

Plorum, Alom, Tzomnimo, you are holy names, I adjure you in the name of Eheye Asher Aheye, that you reveal yourselves to me this night, and inform me of the certain matter which I request of you. If it is for the good, show me books and study houses, or a fountainhead, or gardens and orchards. If it is for the bad, show me men or dead carcasses, or a pile of bones. And he said: Hear My words: when, etc. (Numbers 12:6).

Following this, lie on your left side. If you saw any of these things—do not do it [i.e., actualize the answer received in your dream] except on Sunday, Monday, or Thursday, and only in cleanliness and purity as written above.

Translated by


Unknown, Dream Question, Ms. Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana (Amsterdam, Netherlands), MS Rosenthaliana 12, 107r–v, 1729, London, Ashkenazic script.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 5.

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