Seder taḥanunim u-fiyutim u-fizmonim ve-kinot (Order of Additional Daily Hymns and Prayers)

Ashkenazic Morning Watchers


The princes of the peoples gathered together [see Psalms 47:10] to restore the crown to its former glory and to pray in the great synagogue before sunrise, as was done previously and in past times. This holy congregation shall be called the group of “Ashkenazim awaiting the morning.” With the agreement of the heads of the congregation, and their honors the geonim, they arranged their supplicatory prayers in the following order. Every day they will find psalms that commemorate the destruction of the Temple; verses; a passage requesting forgiveness; then the Binding [of Isaac]; followed by a song; the “we have sinned” section”; a lamentation; the psalm by the rivers of Babylon (Psalm 137); the confession; and the daily psalm. This is in order to fulfill the verses: arise, cry out in the night (Lamentations 2:19), and: [rejoice with Jerusalem . . . ] rejoice for joy with her, all you who mourn for her (Isaiah 66:10). Thus, they too can follow in the footsteps of the holy congregation of Safed—may it be rebuilt and reestablished speedily in our days—and other congregations. May their reward be complete from the Lord [see Ruth 2:12]. For recital on those days when we do not fall upon our faces in supplication, they have collected some sweet songs, from the best of the customs of all the holy congregations. There is also the prayers of a dying person, and a poem for a dead person in city, may we spared such a thing. And I beseeched the Lord (Deuteronomy 3:23) that He should give them strength and power [see Psalms 68:36] and that He will hear the voice of their prayers when they call upon Him. May He give and give again, until they have enough to satisfy them [see Deuteronomy 23:25], and may He gather in the scattered of Israel, so may it be His will, Amen.

Translated by


Ashkenazic Morning Watchers (Shomerim le-boker Ashkanazim), Seder taḥanunim ve-piyutim u-fizmonim ve-kinot (Order of Additional Daily Hymns and Prayers) (Venice: 1635), preface.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 5.

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