Celebratory Processional in Prague to Honor Joseph II

Artist Unknown


Print of long procession of people on horses and on foot carrying banners and trumpets, from one archway down and across the page to another archway, with German heading and text below.
A month after the birth of future Emperor Joseph II (March 13, 1741), the Jews of Prague held a festive procession in honor of the happy event. The procession, which was planned and led by the primator (head) of the Jews of Prague, Simon Wolf Frankel, was depicted in a detailed copper engraving paid for by Frankel. Some later blamed the exile of the Jews from Prague in late 1744 or early 1745 on this show of wealth and finery.


With permission of the Jewish Museum in Prague.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 5.

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