
Agudas Yisroel


To the remnant whom Hashem calls Guardians of the Torah and Doers of His Word. May the Lord our God be with them and may they rise higher and higher

our brethren guardians of the faith of israel!

Our depressing situation, the difficult times and the great hardships that we are experiencing—may God, Blessed Be He, take pity on us—have led us to consult on how to strengthen and defend our position and the faith of our Holy Torah, and after taking into consideration all the details and reasons that have caused the humiliation of Judaism, we have realized the great necessity of following the positive commandments arising from the current situation, that all the Guardians of the Faith of Israel whom the fear of God moves—in every town and city they shall unite in one association under the banner of Mesorah—the Holy One Blessed be He, Israel, and Jewish Law—under the name of the Guardians of the Faith of Israel to watch over all matters of religion and faith and observance of the Holy Torah, and all of the associations shall be combined by a main center into one great and powerful body to take care of the Aguda’s needs and to defend its rights.

And since the settlement of Erets Yisrael is one of the commandments of Hashem, the Aguda will in general act and seek, according to the ways of our Holy Torah, the welfare of the settlement of Erets Yisrael by desirable and concrete actions. And since this is a very important issue, it is worthwhile to establish in this association a special department called “Yishuv Erets Yisroel according to the Holy written Torah and the Mesorah,” which will be responsible for all the details of the work in accordance with the approval of the great and holy rabbis of our generation.

And we explicitly state that all that the above-mentioned holy geonim have decided and proclaimed concerning the Zionists and Zionism is still fully valid and in force, and we must not depart from it, and this Aguda acts independently in all matters and has no connection with Zionism and its rebels.

And from now on we ask of all our brethren Guardians of the Faith of Israel: we beseech you, brothers, unite! Lend a hand to help this association. Each according to his strength and ability will bear the burden of the Aguda, will help and toil to increase the number of members and generally to be those who act and activate, and each will assist his neighbor and will explain the law to his brother, and thereby will remove the senseless hatred that caused all the exiles, and only reach agreement peacefully and lovingly so that the faith should be strengthened and the glory of the Torah, of Israel, and of our Holy Land shall be uplifted. And He whose name is Shalom, He shall establish peace, love, brotherhood, and friendship among all of us—and in our day may Judah be redeemed and may Israel dwell secure, and we shall see the redemption in the city where Hashem is present.

This proclamation was issued in the year (1918) with the addition of the signature of

Rabbi Mordechai Menachem Mendel from Otwock
Rabbi Shmuel Zvi from Alexander
Rabbi Meir Yehiel Halevi from Ostrowiec
Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Alter from Gur
Rabbi Pinchas Menachem from Warsaw
Rabbi Alter Azriel Meir Eiger from Lublin
Rabbi Alter Israel Shimon from Novominsk
Rabbi Yitshak Zelig from Kotzk, Av Bet Din Sokolov
Rabbi Menachem of Petrikov
Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Elazar Leiner from Radzin
Rabbi Shlomo Hanoch Hacohen Rabinowitz from Radomsk
Rabbi Natan David from Shidlowitz
On 8 Kislev . . . Warsaw

Translated by


H. Leivick [Leivick Halpern], The Golem, from The Great Jewish Plays, ed. and trans. Joseph C. Landis (New York: Horizon Press, 1966, 1972), pp. 224–33, 260–64. Used with permission of the author's estate and the translator's estate. Dr. Landis was Prof. Emeritus at Queens College, CUNY.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 8.

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