Temple Emanuel Sanctuary Wall (Grand Rapids, Michigan)

Lucienne Bloch


Photograph of interior view of a synagogue with rows of chairs facing a central platform featuring wall mural of painted panels with crowns, suns, Hebrew lettering, and spirals.
Lucienne Bloch’s thousand-square-foot mural covers the entire rear wall of Temple Emanuel, the building of which was designed by Erich Mendelssohn. Painted on lightweight wood panels in a palette favoring golden yellow, orange, and brown, the mural includes both abstract and representational motifs that include traditional biblical imagery such as wheat, grape vines, and crowns. Some of the panels with abstract designs represent the artist’s interpretation of the opening words of Genesis: the creation of light, heaven, and earth.


Courtesy Temple Emanuel, Grand Rapids, MI. Photo: Dave Kagan, Sensitography.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 9.

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