Seal Impressions on Jar Handles from Tell Beit Mirsim, Beth Shemesh, and Ramat Rahel

Late 8th Century BCE

Belonging to Elyakim steward of Yokin [or Yawkin].

Translated by


[The term for steward (literally “youth”) refers here to a subordinate of someone serving the king or one of his ministers in an administrative role. Because these impressions appear on jar handles of the same type that bore lamelekh seal impressions (see “Lamelekh Seal Impressions”), it seems likely that Elyakim and Yokin were involved in the lamelekh jar project.—Eds.]


Seal Impression on Jar Handles from Tell Beit Mirsim, Beth Shemesh, and Ramat Rahel, in Nahman Avigad, revised and completed by Benjamin Sass, Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals (Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, The Israel Exploration Society, The Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1997), no. 663, p. 243. Used with permission of the publisher.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 1.

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