Born in Brooklyn, New York, David Levine was a caricaturist and painter whose works appeared in the New York Review of Books for more than four decades. A contributor to other periodicals and a book illustrator, Levine worked with ink, oil, and watercolor. He was particularly known for his witty drawings of politicians. Levine’s honors include the George Polk Memorial Award, a Guggenheim fellowship, the John Pike Memorial Prize, and the Gold Medal of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters.
18 April 7 pm. News. Amzanak told us that the CO [commanding officer] had asked him how many men we had, what they were doing, and whether many could work with wagons, and Amzanak said that we had…
As the Territorial Organization Information Bureau in Warsaw, 10 Marianka Street, writes in the newspapers that those wanting to go to America should go to their colonies in the state of Texas, as…