Regulation: On Preaching

The Council of the Lands of Lithuania


Regarding this recent occurrence of some men going and walking around the Galilee and Judea [the region of Lithuania] and preaching in public without the permission or authorization of the local rabbi and the seven representatives [“good men”] of the city. They do this both in the synagogue and in other places, while claiming that they are admonishing the masses and offering open reproof in eloquent language, free of charge. However, as it appears that they are preaching somewhat in their own honor, it has therefore been resolved that from today it is absolutely forbidden to assume the reputation of a scholar and to go to and fro calling out, and preaching and admonishing publicly without the authorization and permission of the local rabbi and the seven representatives of the city. If someone violates this, he should be told to stand aside, apart from other punishments. A community leader—even with the rabbi’s consent—may not give permission to any person to go around the city and preach publicly, without the agreement of all the heads of the communities and the rabbis.

Translated by
Jeffrey M.


The Council of the Lands of Lithuania, “Regulations: On Preaching” (manuscript, Lithuania, 1667). Republished in: Pinkas ha-medinah o Pinkas Va‛ad ha-kehilot ha-rashiyot bi-medinat Lita, ed. Simon Dubnow (Berlin: Ayanot, 1925), p. 144.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 5.

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